The posting was later shortly followed by an additional Instagram story, which showed multiple physical traumas. KodiyakRedd last appeared on Instagram on January 2, alongside Alex, his younger brother. Alex. KodiyakRedd and Montaisha's chemistry has already been revealed in a number of videos showing the pair disputing. Montaisha hasn't featured on Venegas's Instagram page since the 12th of October, 2021. KodiyakRedd or KodiyakRedd and the duo haven't replied to the allegations since Montaisha's profile has gone still. When their single of the year, "I'm an Island Boy," went viral, The Island Boys were able to be the most popular on the internet in. Even though the track garnered quite little dissent from listeners for its lyrics and bass-boosted beat (alongside the rappers' unique fashion sense) The two soared onto the web for those specific motives. Their rise to fame has been met with controversy right from the start. Between their spats and Lo...